

All prospective bidders are informed that CSIR Hqrs. and all its constituent Laboratories are switching over to e-procurement shortly using GeM portal ( and the Central Public Procurement Portal ( For participation in tenders of CSIR, all bidders (including foreign bidders) need to enroll themselves on these portals.
Annual Procurement Plan (2024-25)

Sno Ref. No. Doc. Type Description Download Upload Date Last Date
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Sno Ref. No. Doc. Type Description Download Upload Date Last Date
1. 41/URDIP/P17/04 tender Facilities Management Services for a period of one year Detail 20-06-2017 10-07-2017
2. 41-URDIP-P19-13 tender Supply and installation of HP RAM having the following description for upgradation of HP servers Model : HPE ProLiant DL380 Gen9 HPE 16GB DDR4 ECC Memory Module Detail 24-01-2020 07-02-2020
3. 41-URDIP-P19-12 tender Supply of perpetual HPE 3PAR storage license for upgrading support of additional 12 slots Detail 24-01-2020 27-01-2020
4. Elect/SUB STN AUG/19-20/01 tender Item rate e-tenders under two bid system are hereby invited for the following work from contractors registered in the approved list of appropriate class of CPWD, State PWD, Railways, MES, Post & Telegraph Department, Semi-Govt. organizations and from those who have worked for CSIR or its Laboratories /Institutes in appropriate class and have successfully completed minimum one/two/three similar works (Similar work shall mean work related to HT/LT substation, SITC of DG sets & Electrical Panels etc.) of Rs.59.08 Lakh/44.31 Lakh/ 29.54 Lakh and above respectively, during last seven years ending last day of 31st January 2020 for carrying out the following work at CSIR URDIP Pune. Detail 29-01-2020 11-02-2020
5. 41/URDIP/P19/16/A tender Annual maintenance Contract For Employee Self Service Portal (TimeLabsPro) for a period of one year Detail 12-03-2020 16-03-2020
6. 41-URDIP-P20-06 tender Tender for Web Security Audit of Web Applications from CERT-In empanelled agency Detail 15-01-2021 28-01-2021
8. 41-URDIP-P21-01 tender COMPREHENSIVE AMC OF TWO UPS WITH 60 KVA CAPACITY FOR ONE YEAR Detail 10-05-2021 31-05-2021
9. GEM/2021/B/1582074 tender ANNUAL MAINTENANCE SERVICE -DATA CENTER ASSETS - Security Systems Devices; Firewall Detail 08-10-2021 18-10-2021
10. GEM/2021/B/1753685 tender Tender for Procurement of Furniture at URDIP. Detail 18-12-2021 03-01-2022
11. GEM/2022/B/1935396 tender Renewal of one year production level support and subscription (SnS) for VMware vSphere 7 Essentials Plus kit (6 CPU license, 3 hosts) and vCenter Server 7 Essentials (1 instance) along with onsite VMware Infrastructure management support and services Detail 09-02-2022 21-02-2022
12. GEM/2022/B/1935396 information Last date for Bid (GEM/2022/B/1935396) submission on GeM for VMware Support & Subscription renewal has been extended till 21-Feb-2022 upto 11:00am. - 19-02-2022 -
13. GEM/2022/B/1978787 tender SmartCare Support and Warranty Renewal for Peplink Balance 580 Detail 23-02-2022 09-03-2022
14. GEM/2022/B/1978787 information Last date for Bid (GEM/2022/B/1978787) submission on GeM for "SmartCare Support and Warranty Renewal for Peplink Balance 580" is extended till 07-03-2022 02:00 PM - 04-03-2022 -
15. GEM/2022/B/1978787 information Last date for Bid (GEM/2022/B/1978787) submission on GeM for "SmartCare Support and Warranty Renewal for Peplink Balance 580" is further extended till 09-03-2022 03:00 PM - 07-03-2022 -
16. 41/URDIP/P22/01 tender Tender for the web security audit of three web applications from the CERT-In empaneled agency Detail 13-05-2022 01-06-2022
17. GEM/2022/B/2199373 tender One year Comprehensive Annual Service and Maintenance Contract for Servers Detail 26-05-2022 07-06-2022
18. GEM/2022/B/2208394 tender One year Comprehensive Annual Service and Maintenance Contract for Network Switches Detail 26-05-2022 09-06-2022
19. GEM/2022/B/2208394 information Last date for Bid (GEM/2022/B/2208394) submission on GeM for "One year Comprehensive Annual Service and Maintenance Contract for Network Switches" is extended till 16-06-2022 11:00am Detail 13-06-2022 -
20. GEM/2022/B/2208394 information Last date for Bid (GEM/2022/B/2208394) submission on GeM for "One year Comprehensive Annual Service and Maintenance Contract for Network Switches" is further extended till 25-06-2022 13:00:00. Detail 22-06-2022 -
21. URDIP/UPSwork/22-23/01 tender Providing Electrical Power supply to the UPS & Servers at CSIR-URDIP Main Building Pune Detail 03-08-2022 18-08-2022
22. GEM/2022/B/2413219 tender HPE Comprehensive AMC for Period of One year for HPE ProLiant DL380 G9 Servers Detail 04-08-2022 25-08-2022
23. GEM/2022/B/2475800 tender Comprehensive AMC for one year from OEM/OEM authorized partner/ third Party for HPE 3PAR Storage System(Model no. – HPE 3PAR 7200c & DL380e G8 Sr. No. - 4C16069004 & SGH6060N4F). Visit GeM portal for the Bid document and Bid Corrigendum. Detail 26-08-2022 10-09-2022
24. GEM/2022/B/2821820 tender Comprehensive AMC for one year from OEM/OEM authorized partner/ third Party for HPE 3PAR Storage System(Model no. – HPE 3PAR 7200c & DL380e G8 Sr. No. - 4C16069004 & SGH6060N4F). Visit GeM portal for the Bid document. Detail 07-12-2022 27-12-2022
25. GEM/2023/B/3490563 tender Comprehensive AMC for one year from OEM/OEM authorized partner for HPE 8/24 SAN Switches Detail 25-05-2023 09-06-2023
26. GEM/2023/B/3490563 information Comprehensive AMC for one year from OEM or OEM authorized partner for HPE 8/24 SAN Switches - Last date for bid submission is extended till 16-June-2023 Detail 12-06-2023 -
27. GEM/2023/B/3490563 information Last date for bid submission on GeM portal is further extended till 22-June-2023: Comprehensive AMC for one year from OEM or OEM authorized partner for HPE 8/24 SAN Switches - 16-06-2023 -
28. GEM/2023/B/3623411 tender Comprehensive AMC for period of one year for HP 7510 Switch Chassis (one no) and HP 5130-48G-4SFP+ El Switches (five nos) inclusive of associated accessories, software and firmware as well as all parts, onsite support and services. Detail 27-06-2023 12-07-2023
29. GEM/2023/B/3623411 information Bid Corrigendum Notice for GeM Bid GEM/2023/B/3623411 Detail 27-06-2023 -
30. GEM/2023/B/3623411 information Due to administrative reason BID NO: GEM/2023/B/3623411 is cancelled - 30-06-2023 -
31. GEM/2023/B/3634864 tender Comprehensive AMC for period of one year for HP 7510 Switch Chassis (one no) and HP 5130-48G-4SFP+ El Switches (five nos) inclusive of associated accessories, software and firmware as well as all parts, onsite support and services. Detail 01-07-2023 15-07-2023
32. GEM/2023/B/3671544 tender Comprehensive AMC for Two-Way IBM X3650 M3 2U Rack Servers for one year Detail 11-07-2023 24-07-2023
33. GEM/2023/B/3634864 information Last date for bid submission on GeM is extended to 2023-07-21 14:00:00 (See Corrigendum Details on GeM portal) Detail 16-07-2023 -
34. GEM/2023/B/3634864 information Last date for bid submission on GeM is further extended to 24-07-2023, 15:00:00 Detail 21-07-2023 -
35. GEM/2023/B/3671544 information Last date for bid submission on GeM is extended to 28-July-2023. Visit GeM portal for more detail. - 25-07-2023 -
36. GEM/2023/B/3933520 tender GeM Bid for Supply of All-in-One Computers - 25 nos Note - Last date for bid submission is extended till 06-Oct-2023 Detail 10-09-2023 06-10-2023
37. GEM/2023/B/3924320 tender GeM Bid for Supply of Desktop Computers - 18 nos Detail 10-09-2023 18-09-2023
38. GEM/2023/B/3938836 tender GeM Bid for HPE Comprehensive AMC for Period of One year for HPE ProLiant DL380 G9 Servers Detail 11-09-2023 03-10-2023
39. GEM/2023/B/3990304 tender GeM bid for the web security audit of three web applications by the CERT-In empaneled agency Detail 21-09-2023 06-10-2023
40. GEM/2023/B/3933520 amendment GeM Bid Corrigendum No. GEM/2023/B/3933520-C5 for Supply of All-in-One Computers - 25 nos. Note- Terms and Conditions are amended and last date for bid submission is extended till 06-Oct-2023 Detail 28-09-2023 -
41. GEM/2023/B/4022917 tender GeM Bid for Supply of Desktop Computers - 18 nos Detail 29-09-2023 09-10-2023
42. GEM/2023/B/4321950 tender Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of CCTV Surveillance System as per bid specification Detail 11-12-2023 21-12-2023
43. GEM/2024/B/4443010 tender GeM Bid for drip Irrigation items Detail 08-01-2024 19-01-2024
44. GEM/2024/B/4443209 tender GeM Bid for Audio System Unit for Auditorium Detail 08-01-2024 19-01-2024
45. GEM/2024/B/4443209 amendment GeM Bid Corrigendum No. GEM/2024/B/4443209-C3: GeM Bid for Audio System Unit for Auditorium Detail 11-01-2024 -
46. GEM/2024/B/4432925 tender GeM Bid for PABX System - EPABX Detail 11-01-2024 19-01-2024
47. GEM/2024/B/4432925 amendment GeM Bid Corrigendum No. GEM/2024/B/4432925-C3 - GeM Bid for PABX System - EPABX Detail 11-01-2024 -
48. GEM/2024/B/4443010 amendment GeM Bid Corrigendum No. GEM/2024/B/4443010-C3 - GeM Bid for GeM Bid for drip Irrigation items Detail 11-01-2024 -
49. GeM/2024/B/4566644 tender Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of CCTV Surveillance System as per bid specification Detail 02-02-2024 16-02-2024
50. GEM/2024/B/4873542 tender Comprehensive AMC for one year from OEM/OEM authorized partner/ third Party for HPE 3PAR Storage System with associated hardware and software. Visit GeM portal for the Bid document Detail 23-04-2024 06-05-2024
51. GEM/2024/B/5120291 tender Comprehensive AMC for period of one year for HP 7510 Switch Chassis (one no) and HP 5130-48G-4SFP+ El Switches (five nos) inclusive of associated accessories, software and firmware as well as all parts, onsite support and services. Detail 12-07-2024 24-07-2024
52. GEM/2024/B/5127134 tender Comprehensive AMC for Two-Way IBM X3650 M3 2U Rack Servers for one year Detail 12-07-2024 25-07-2024
53. GEM/2024/B/5153940 tender Comprehensive AMC for one year from OEM/OEM authorized partner for HPE 8/24 SAN Switches Detail 12-07-2024 02-08-2024
54. GEM/2024/B/5153940 amendment Corrigendum: GeM Bid for Comprehensive AMC for one year from OEM/OEM authorized partner for HPE 8/24 SAN Switches. Last date for bid submission 12-08-2024 Detail 31-07-2024 -
55. GEM/2024/B/5262359 tender Comprehensive AMC of Two UPS with 60KVA capacity Detail 08-08-2024 28-08-2024
56. GEM/2024/B/5497434 tender GeM Bid for HPE Comprehensive AMC for Period of One year for HPE ProLiant DL380 G9 Servers Detail 16-10-2024 21-10-2024
57. GEM/2024/B/5685216 tender Comprehensive AMC of CISCO Firewall ASA5516-FPWR-K8 Detail 10-12-2024 25-12-2024
58. GEM/2024/B/5703343 tender Procurement of Unified Storage System Detail 14-12-2024 04-01-2025
59. GEM/2025/B/5775332 tender Supply, Installation and Configuration of 32 TB NAS solution Detail 03-01-2025 23-01-2025